Monday, January 22, 2007

Oedipus: "But the double lash of your parents' curse will whip you Out of this land some day, with only night upon your precious eyes."-Passage
Oedipus Rex shows that a person already has predetermined destiny, and the relationship between fate and freewill is that there is no freewill in Oedipus' life. The Oracle said that the son of Iocaste would kill his father and sleep with his mother. From when Oedipus was a baby,(when his parents were in complete control) his parents tried to bend the fate that had been predetermined for Oedipus. Iocaste gave baby Oedipus away to a Shepard which gave Oedipus away to a person in Thebes. Iocaste attempted to change the oracles prediction but her attempt failed and Oedipus ended up back in Thebes in a better position to fulfill the oracles prediction. This recurring Motif shows Oedipus throughout the story that he has no free will. Finally a final desperate attempt to show him self that he has freewill he gouges his eyes out.

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