Sunday, March 18, 2007

Bi polar

One day in the park where uncle Chik Chaq likes to hang out he was, as usual, telling random crazy stories from his past, when a small unsuspecting little girl came up to uncle Chik Chaq and showed a slight bit of interest in one of his bizarre stories. Little Isabelle Ortiz did not know what she was getting herself into. Uncle Chik Chaq ranted for almost an hour concluding his story with the line, "And I saved that whole family from a horrific fiery death with my bear hands while naked." Innocent little Isabelle was curious about were Uncle Chik Chaq's family was, so she asked. Uncle Chik Chaq turned his head with a fiery eye glaring at poor little Isabelle, just the look Uncle Chik Chaq shot at Isabelle was enough to make a six year old cry. Then with out any warning Uncle Chik Chaq broke into a spree of rage driven insults directed at this poor innocent six year old girl. Isabelle fled the scene out of pure fear while she heard Uncle Chik Chaq voice fade away in the distance, "A man's family is his his own damn business not some stupid little girls!"

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Uncle Chik Chaq and Brah

Uncle Chik Chaq and Brah have related to each other the day that they met in Bank Wood. They are both homeless story tellers that love to talk and laugh together. They typically sit on a park bench waiting for any random person that will hear one of their stories of there past. Uncle Chik Chaq and Brah met when Brah came to Bank Wood from Barbados, They instantly related because of their societal status and talkitive personalities. Uncle Chik Chaq showed the younger Brah the ropes of Bank Wood by showing him the tricks on how to live the homeless life style that they were both stuck in. From that time on Brah and Uncle Chik Chaq are almost inseparable. Brah is the only person in the whole town that knows something deeper than the stories Uncle Chik Chaq tells.

Uncle Chik Chaq and Brah

Uncle Chik Chaq and Brah have related to each other the day that they met in Bank Wood. They are both homeless story tellers that love to talk and laugh together. They typically sit on a park bench waiting for any random person that will hear one of their stories of there past. Uncle Chik Chaq and Brah met when Brah came to Bank Wood from Barbados, They instantly related because of their societal status and talkitive personalities. Uncle Chik Chaq showed the younger Brah the ropes of Bank Wood by showing him the tricks on how to live the homeless life style that they were both stuck in. From that time on Brah and Uncle Chik Chaq are almost inseparable. Brah is the only person in the whole town that knows something deeper than the stories Uncle Chik Chaq tells.

Monday, February 26, 2007

general overview of character

My characters name is uncle Chik-Chaq a white elderly man that lives all over the city. Everyone in the city knows uncle Chik-Chaq but no one know his name or anything about him. He tells stories to anyone that will hear one wether they are true or not is up to the listener.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

what I learned about the cultural revolution

  • Mao Zedong was the leader of a revolutionary party called the communist.
  • The communist believed that everyone should have a proletariat status.
  • Anything that was counter revolutionary was wrong
  • being overly intelligent was not allowed.
  • counter revolutionary things were-dental care, reading, dis obeying your teacher or higher officials, being smarter than the average person, going against the government.
  • the gang four were the four main contributors to the cultural revolution.
  • communism is about getting rid of bourgeois because communism wanted to get rid of the upper middle class and make everyone peasants.
  • The end of the cultural revolution was when the Big four was arrested after Mao Zedong died.
  • Mao Zedong was the man behind the whole revolution while the gang four was his second hand men.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

antigone feminazi

The main reason that men and women are considered to be so much different is because history and society shaped that belief. Society has shaped the idea that women have to worry about their image and if they don't they are lesbian. Society has shaped the belief that men have to be hard and tough, and if they are not then they are gay. Even though this idea is beginning to fade, men are still generally expected to be the provider putting both sexes at a disadvantage. The women are now judged differently when they are the providers. The men are put in a position to be judged if they are a stay at home dad. Either way both sexes are judged by the general belief of society. women are probably more judged by society because history has show a blatant thought that women are not as good as men. History is changing but still it is not completely at the point of no pejudice in society based on genders.

Monday, January 22, 2007

whats in the bag

I believe that it is impossible for a person to tell if he has control over his life or if it is determined by fate because it is impossible for a person to determine what his fate would be. In real life humans do not have an oracle to tell them their fate(un-like in Oedipus Rex). Since it is impossible for me to know what my fate is or if fate rules, all I believe Is that I do have control over my future. I still try to live my life by certain morals hoping that fate is possibly determined from a "Karma" based theory. I am able to look back on past experiences and realize what I could have done better or worse. Some people believe that proves that fate exists. For example, if a person's goal of being a teacher fails, and he/she ends up working at a fast food restaurant, he or she might think this is fate. This person hates working in the fast food restaurant, but he/she keeps doing it because he believes that it is his fate. That person is doing wrong because there are so many opportunities in this world to find something he loves. This fast food industry worker could find something he/she loves and bend her possible fate. It is also possible that finding something else she loves after working in the fast food industry is her fate. That is an example of why a person cannot determine what his fate is, and if he has any free will.